Refund Policy

To ensure that our customers receive high-quality services and are satisfied with the delivered products, we have designed a refund policy that clearly outlines the circumstances under which a refund may be granted because your opinion matters to us.

Order cancellation

Wish to cancel your order? You can get a 100% reimbursement if you inform our support staff via any available communication channel before an expert begins working on your order. However, if the expert has already started working on your order, you may be eligible for some refund amount depending on how much work has been completed. Once your order has been finished and delivered, it cannot be canceled.

Accidental payments

If you unintentionally make two payments for the same order, we can refund the entire amount of the second payment or credit it to your bonus balance for further orders.

No experts found

If we are unable to find an expert to handle your order, you will be eligible for a 100% refund. However, we prioritize urgent and complex orders and guarantee to match you with a qualified expert to handle them.

Late revisions

If the revised paper is delivered after the deadline, and you requested a revision in advance, you may request a refund. However, each case will be examined separately to determine the refund amount.

Late orders

If your order is delivered after the deadline, and you no longer require the paper, you are entitled to a complete refund. However, this policy does not cover orders that are awaiting your instructions and answers or have not been fully paid for.

Quality issues

If the received product does not meet your requirements, you have the following options:

  • Ask for free revisions within 14 days (for orders up to 20 pages) or 30 days (for orders exceeding 20 pages).
  • Have the order reassigned to another expert.

You can also request a full reimbursement if you do not have time for a revision.

After a full refund

Please note that if you receive a complete refund, the product will no longer be your intellectual property, and has the right to use this content as we see fit, including publishing it online for promotional purposes.

We will reject any refund requests that do not meet the criteria listed above.