Discursive Essay Topics

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Students have a lot of assignments to write, and it can be tough to come up with new ideas for each one. That’s why we have compiled this list of great topics for argumentative essay. If you’re looking how to write a discursive essay or want to see what other people are writing about, check out these prompts.

What Does a Good Essay Need?

It’s all about the topic. If you want to produce a good essay, you need to choose good discursive essay topics. So, how do we find this perfect, golden nugget of information? Well, we have some suggestions for you!

Good topics should:

  • Be suitable to your audience (for example, if you are composing an essay on pollution in Delhi and the audience is people who live there.)
  • Be interesting and engaging (otherwise, no one will read it!)

The Writing Process

Before you start the writing process, you need to figure out what your argument will be. If you don’t know your thesis statement, it’s hard for anyone else to read your essay and understand your point of view.

Once the essay writer has a topic in mind, they should write a few sentences about what kind of information the reader should expect from reading this essay. Then write three paragraphs that expand on each one of these points in detail. They are called body paragraphs. The first body paragraph should introduce the main idea — the topic sentence — and then provide examples or points relating to that central idea (the supporting details). The second body paragraph expands on another aspect associated with the first part of the paper while also including different facts or evidence than were included previously (in case two subjects were covered by two various topics). The third body paragraph does something similar but may include even more new ideas or evidence than before.

How to Choose Topics for Argumentative Essay

Choosing a topic is the first step to writing an essay. You need to select a topic that will interest you. It has to be something you are interested in and can write about. You’ve come to the ideal place if you’re looking for a topic for a research paper. There are countless options available, including cases in politics, science, and more! We have a ton of discursive essay topics that are sure to catch your attention and stimulate your thinking. Here are some of them:

  • Should the US outlaw assault rifles?
  • Is fame or wealth preferable?
  • What is the ideal place to visit?
  • Should all firearms be required to be registered?
  • Man or woman, who makes a better leader?
  • Should all citizens be eligible for free housing from the government?
  • Should the minimum wage be eliminated?

Discursive Essay Topics: Tips and Tricks

Finally, the argumentative essays topics should be relevant and engaging. Your thesis statement should motivate your audience to read further. You need to present evidence in support of your argument. It is essential to explain not only why something is right or wrong but also why it matters that way (for example, what effect it has on society).

Written by:
Samantha Andersen
As an editor, I know all the pitfalls that lead most of the students to unforeseen mistakes. What’s more, many overlook editing, prioritising their time and effort. I’ll show you how to edit your texts quickly yet efficiently, avoid common mistakes and format your assignments correctly.
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